www.4apes.com/de 30/05/2017 Ape Alliance. Die Großen Affen - unsere Verwandten - und wie Sie helfen können, um sie vom Aussterben zu bewahrenption. Find out about the Great Apes - our relatives - and how you can help to save them from extinction.
www.aberdair.com 08/07/2018
www.abidjanshow.com 08/03/2018
www.acc-den.org 05/04/2019 The African Community Center of Denver was
created in May 2001 through our parent organization, the Ethiopian Community
Development Council. Beginning with only 3 staff members resettling 60
refugees, we have grown into a staff of over 35 multi-lingual, compassionate
employees who serve over 1,700 refugees, asylees, and other immigrants each
www.accioncontraelhambre.org/es 27/07/2018
www.adeanet.org 22/05/2017
www.aequatoria.be/04frans/010accueil.htm 06/06/2020 Le Centre Æquatoria est spécialisé dans
l'étude des langues, des cultures et de l'histoire (pre-coloniale et coloniale)
de l'Afrique sub-saharienne. Il est localisé sur le domaine de la mission
catholique (Missionnaires du Sacré-Coeur) à Bamanya, un village rural à 10 km
de Mbandaka, la capitale de la province de l'Equateur en République
Démocratique du Congo.
www.aequatoria.be/index.htm 29/02/2020 Centre Aequatoria, Centre de Recherches
Culturelles Africanistes. Le Centre Æquatoria est spécialisé dans l'étude des
langues, des cultures et de l'histoire (pre-coloniale et coloniale) de
l'Afrique sub-saharienne.
www.afribone.com 23/03/2020 Afribone. Actualité du Mali. L'actualit
malienne au quotidien.
www.africa.8m.net 13/03/2017 African information index. Africa in facts
and figures. Facts from North Africa to South Africa, West Africa to East
www.africa.kyoto-u.ac.jp 12/11/2019 京都大学のアフリカ研究史の曙は 1958年に今西錦司名誉教授らを中心として開始された学術調査にさかのぼることができます。こうしたアフリカ研究の発展にともなって、1986年に現在のアフリカセンターの前身である、アフリカ地域研究センターが、わが国最初のアフリカ専門の研究機関として開設されました。初代のセンター長は、伊谷純一郎名誉教授がつとめ、乾燥帯生態系研究部門、湿潤帯生態系研究部門、歴史・先史客員研究部門、および情報資料室が設置されました。
www.africa.upenn.edu 29/02/2020 The Africa Center at the University of
Pennsylvania is recognized as a vital and forward-looking center where
researchers, students and cultural and business entities come to gain knowledge
of historical and contemporary Africa.
www.africa21digital.com 03/02/2017
www.africa-ata.org/bulletins.htm 03/02/2017
www.africabags.org 03/02/2017 Africa Bags was started by Todd and Holly
Petitt in January of 2007 as a grass roots organization with the hope of making
a change in the world. Our team of supervisors in Malawi is made up of three
individuals. Maggie Chavula, Chief Nyuma Chimaliro, and Head Tailor Dorothy
Luwanda. Maggie has a background in book keeping and accounting.
www.africabib.org 03/02/2017
www.africabib.org/women.html 03/02/2017
www.africa-business.com 03/02/2017
www.africacentre.org.uk 03/02/2017
www.africa-confidential.com/news 03/02/2017 Africa Confidential is one of the
longest-established specialist publications on Africa, with a considerable
reputation for being first with in-depth news and analysis on significant
political, economic and security developments across the continent.
www.africadevelopmentpromise.org 10/07/2016 Africa Development Promise is a nonprofit organization working in East Africa to support rural women
as the economic, demographic and social landscape is changing and affecting
activities carried out by women.
www.africadirect.com 10/07/2016 African art, trade beads and ethnic jewelry
are both business and passion for Sara and me. We started buying African art
twenty years ago as gifts for our children, four of whom are adopted and are
African-American. We had been active in anti-apartheid politics for some time.
www.africaeducation.org 11/04/2020 Africa
Education. This is the site where you'll find out what is happening in the area of Education
and Development in Africa. After that, you may want to see if there is anything
in the African Digital Library, a free public library that contains thousands
of full-text books for you to use on the Internet, if you live in Africa.
www.africaenunclic.com 27/07/2018
www.africafundacion.org 27/07/2018
www.africahit.com/news 08/04/2017 Portail panafricain de showbizz et
d'actualité dédié a l'afrique et a la culture black. Nous offrons aussi des
milliers de videos des news sur le
football et les JT de plusieurs chaines TV.
www.africaknowledgeproject.org/index.php/jenda 28/11/2020
JENdA: A Journal of Culture and African Women Studies [JENDA] is an
award-winning peer-reviewed journal which focuses on social, political,
economic, and cultural concepts and categories that shape the lives of women in
different African societies.
www.africaknowledgeproject.org/index.php/war/index 29/02/2020 West Africa Review [WAR] is an
interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal, devoted to research on the countries,
societies, and peoples from Cape Verde to Cameroun. West Africa Review
facilitates productive exchanges among scholars of the region wherever they may
www.africamasterweb.com 10/02/2017 Africa Masterweb is your gateway to Africa.
Its primary objective is the cyber consolidation of African resources to enable
its people harness them better and in addition provide the much needed
information about the continent to prospective investors and the world in
general. We will simplify and professionalized African web searches with a
Masterweb Search Engine in due course.
www.africanamericanfemalecommunication.com 10/02/2017 African American Female Communication. This
website is designed to explore the many aspects of African American female
communication patterns, both verbal and nonverbal. It will include information
on African American females from different social and cultural backgrounds. For
the next several months this will be a work in progress.
www.africanazarene.org 23/10/2016
www.africanbirdclub.org 13/11/2019 This page provides a summary of the African
Bird Club, its aims, what it does, how it is managed and the benefits to you of
membership or sponsorship. Special thanks are extended to the photographers,
artists and writers who contribute their work freely to African Bird Club
publications and its website.
www.africanbookstore.net 16/12/2020
African Bookstore. #1 African American Bookstore Online. African and
African American cultural bookstore and online gifts shop. In 1992, the first
African Bookstore in Broward County, Florida was founded by Anthony Horatio
Harrison (1933-2017).
www.africancreamstore.com 28/05/2017
www.africanexecutive.com 15/02/2016
www.africanexecutive.com/modules/magazine/home.php 15/02/2016
www.africanfamily.org 15/02/2016
www.africanfilm.com 15/02/2016
www.africanfilm.com/festival 15/02/2016
www.africanfilmfestival.org 15/02/2016
www.africanfilmfestival.org/films 15/02/2016
www.africanfilmfestival.org/resources 15/02/2016
www.africanhiphop.com 13/03/2017 Eighteen years online and counting,
Africanhiphop.com is one of the original sites promoting urban African culture
via the web. Its original goal of ‘unifying everybody who’s inspired by hip hop
and by the cultures of Africa and of African origins’ still holds today.
African Hiphop brings news, interviews, feature stories, dj mixes and web radio
www.africanhiphop.com/radio 13/03/2017 African Hip Hop Radio is the continuation of
the Rumba-Kali webcast which has been online since 1998 at Africanhiphop.com
playing those tunes that you won’t hear anywhere else. Since 2005
Africanhiphop.com has delivered monthly web radio shows by presenters from all
over the continent and the African diaspora.
www.africanmusic.org 11/04/2020 African Music Encyclopedia. An online
encyclopedia of African music, World Music, International music.
www.africanmusicbuy.com 07/06/2018
African Music Buy is family owned, operating from our physical store in
Peabody, Massachusetts. We have been selling media products for over 9 years
and stock one of the largest catalogs of African music CDs on the internet. We
have led the market in providing the best Nigerian and African music to
thousands of valued customers.
www.africanphilosophy.com 23/08/2020
Journal on African Philosophy is an electronic journal sponsored by the
International Society for African Philosophy and Studies (ISAPS) and published
by Africa Resource Center, Inc. The Society was founded in 1995 at an inaugural
conference held at the University of the West Indies, Mona, Jamaica.
www.africanplants.senckenberg.de/root/index.php 23/03/2020 African Plants. A Photo Guide. This
interactive photographic guide shall help you to identify higher plants from
Africa (excluding Madagascar). It contains images of ferns and seed plants
usually taken in the field. You can browse through a taxonomic hierarchy and /
or search according to selected characters you observe on your plant.
www.africanstudies.in 05/07/2018
African Studies Association of India (ASA) is an all India apex body of
Indian Africanist coming from academics, media, diplomatic services, business
and other professions.
www.africanvibes.com 10/02/2017
www.africanwomenincinema.org/AFWC/Centre.html 08/04/2017 Welcome to the Centre for the Study and
Research of African Women in Cinema. The Centre as virtual environment has as
its objective, to provide a space for study and research of myriad topics
relating to African women of the screen.
www.africaodyssey.com/botswana 10/02/2017 If money is no object, Botswana is the
ultimate safari destination. A Botswana
holiday is undeniably expensive, but fantastic - reserves are private and
exclusive, accommodation is stylish and luxurious, wildlife and guiding are
superb and the service is second to none.
www.africaodyssey.com/uganda 08/04/2017 Straddling the Equator at the heart of the
continent and sandwiched between Kenya, Rwanda, Congo, Sudan and Tanzania,
Uganda is a small country by comparison with its African neighbours. Much of
the country sits at about 1,000m above sea level.
www.africaodyssey.com/zambia/lake-malawi 13/03/2017 Malawi, landlocked as it is, might not jump
into your mind as the most obvious of beach destinations.
www.africa-orale.org 22/05/2017
www.africaradio.com 23/03/2020 Africa Radio. La Radio Africaine.
www.africare.org 13/03/2017 Africare is a private, charitable
organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Africare
works to improve the quality of life of the people in Africa.
www.africaresource.com 06/04/2019
AfricaResource, a gateway to resources, is an
educational portal that develops and distributes content on Africa and African
Diaspora. We publish peer-reviewed journals--Jenda, WAR, ProudFlesh, Ijele,
African Philosophy, bibliographies, profiles of personalities, poetry,
autobiographies, essays, short stories, and much more.
www.africastyles.com 10/02/2017
31/01/2020 Afrik, portail de
l'Afrique et du Maghreb offre un journal quotidien contenant des informations
sur l'actualité, la culture, l'économie, le sport, les sociétés de 56 pays
www.afrinic.net 22/05/2017
www.afrocubaweb.com 11/06/2016 Today the island contains priceless
survivals of African cultures - Yoruba, Congo, Old Dahomey, and the Efik/Efo
from the Cross River Delta (Nigeria), giving birth to Abakwa and Brikamo. In
addition, Cuba hosts a number of communities from the diaspora, especially the
Caribbean -- Jamaica, the Bahamas, and other English speaking islands as well
as Haiti.
www.afromix.org/index.fr.html 13/11/2019 Le portail des cultures Africaines et
Antillaises: actualité, musique, arts et culture, société, voyages.
www.agetipe.org 23/03/2020
www.ahm.uem.mz/novo 05/01/2021 UEM. Arquivo Histórico de Moçambique.
Universidade Eduardo Mondlane. O Arquivo Histórico de Moçambique foi criado
pela Portaria 2267, de 27 de Junho de 1934, ligado à biblioteca da Repartição
Técnica de Estatística com a missão de reunir alguns arquivos dispersos e
organizar uma colecção bibliográfica sobre Moçambique.
www.airbotswana.co.bw 07/11/2016
www.ajfand.net 12/08/2020
The African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development
(AJFAND) is a highly cited and prestigious peer reviewed journal with a global
reputation, published in Kenya by the Africa Scholarly Science Communications
Trust (ASSCAT). AJFAND was initiated in 2001 as a pilot project and was managed
by the Rural Outreach Programme (ROP) headed by Prof. Ruth Oniang’o.
www.ajol.info/index.php/index/browse/alpha/index 03/02/2017
www.alakhbar.info 18/09/2016 أول وكالة أنباء موريتانية مستقلة : تغطية
شاملة للأخبار الوطنية وكذا أخبار وأحوال الجاليات الموريتانية بالخارج- الأخبار
الرئيسية - الأخبار: أول وكالة أنباء موريتانية مستقلة | news - الأخبار
www.alin.or.ke 22/05/2017
www.aluka.org/heritage 05/01/2021 World Heritage Sites on JSTOR. Explore the
archaeology, history and culture of Africa through its heritage sites &
landscapes. Search specific sites or browse the entire digital library.
www.aluka.org/struggles 05/01/2021 Struggles for Freedom on JSTOR. Experience
the phenomenal independence movements of southern African nations through this
digitized library of thousands of documents and primary sources.
www.amarnaproject.com 23/04/2019
The ancient Egyptian city of Tell el-Amarna (or simply Amarna) was the
short-lived capital built by the ‘heretic’ Pharaoh Akhenaten and abandoned
shortly after his death (c. 1332 BCE). It was here that he pursued his vision
of a society dedicated to the cult of one god, the power of the sun (the Aten).
www.angelfire.com/falcon/skyways/zambia_airways.html 01/02/2017 Zambia Airways, Aviation, Airliners,
Airlines of Africa Encyclopedia
11/07/2018 APC es una red y una
organización. Los miembros de APC son grupos e individuos que trabajan en sus
propios países para avanzar en la misma misión que APC.
www.archaeologysa.co.za 06/06/2020 The South African Archaeological Society,
also known as ArchSoc, is a registered non-profit organisation. Membership is
open to anyone with an interest in archaeology. The Society promotes
archaeological research in southern Africa and makes the results available to
its members and the public through lectures, outings, tours and publications.
www.artheos.org/fra/index.html 04/10/2019
23/03/2017 ASF intervenes in
countries where human rights are not respected, where political violence and
armed conflict reign, and where legal rules are flouted. Justice in those
countries, too often arbitrary, does not guarantee the security of the population. Conflicts are not satisfactorily resolved
before the local courts.
www.asmarino.com 23/10/2017
13/11/2019 L'Université Al
Akhawayn d'Ifrane est une institution marocaine indépendante, publique, mixte
et à but non lucratif, engagée dans la formation de futurs dirigeants-citoyens
du Maroc et du monde par un programme d'enseignement à vocation mondiale des
arts libéraux, dispensé en langue anglaise et qui repose sur le système
www.aui.ma/library 13/11/2019 The mission of the Mohammed VI Library is to
provide access to information resources to the University community and to
other researchers to enhance learning, teaching and research activities at Al
Akhawayn University in Ifrane.
www.au-senegal.com 18/08/2019
www.avu.org/avuweb/en 30/08/2018
www.b4hcolorado.org 11/07/2016 Bicycles for Humanity Colorado is a
non-profit organization based in Colorado that uses donated bicycles to address
a fundamental barrier to development and healthcare in rural Africa.
www.baka.co.uk/baka 31/01/2020 Baka Forest People.
www.bancomoc.mz 08/09/2018 O Banco de Moçambique (BM) foi criado em
1975 pelo Decreto nª 2/75 de 17 de Maio, no âmbito dos compromissos assumidos
nos Acordos de Lusaka, em 1974, tendo herdado o património e valores do
Departamento de Moçambique, do Banco Nacional Ultramarino.
www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p03n39t5 01/04/2016
www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/africa/features/storyofafrica 12/12/2020 The Story of Africa. BBC World Service. The
Story of Africa tells the history of the continent from an African perspective.
Africa's top historians take a fresh look at the events and characters that
have shaped the continent from the origins of humankind to the end of South
African apartheid.
www.bbc.com/news/world/africa 29/02/2020 Africa. BBC News. Get the latest African
news from BBC News in Africa: breaking news, features, analysis and special
reports plus audio and video from across the African continent.
www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-13349078 23/10/2017
www.beadforlife.org/frontpage/us 25/05/2018 Ten years ago, three sassy women founded
BeadforLife after a chance encounter opened their hearts and sparked their
imagination. Torkin Wakefield, Ginny Jordan, and Devin Hibbard met Millie Grace
Akena while walking through a crowded Ugandan slum.
www.bibalex.org/fr/default 25/05/2018
www.birding.co.za 29/04/2020 Indicator Birding. Established in 1998,
Indicator Birding is the business vehicle of Pretoria-based birder and
professional guide, Etienne Marais. Widely considered to be one of the top
birders in SA, Etienne is a lifelong birding fanatic. His birding career
started when in 1969, when as a young lad, he started studying the birds in his
local area.
www.birdingafrica.com 29/04/2020 Birding Africa Tours: We customise African
birding tours from Cape Town to Cameroon and Madagascar. Join one the top five
most recommmended bird tour companies in the world. Let Africa's most
experienced guides bring you to those secretive birds and relax in hand-picked
small lodges at unbeatable value.
www.birdsofprey.co.za 17/09/2016
www.birdwatchingeastafrica.com 29/04/2020 Birdwatching East Africa is a nature safari
company running not only birding Safaris but also Family Wildlife Safaris,
Wildlife Photo Safaris, both in lodges and in our Mobile-tented Camps. We so
also run Mobile-field Research Stations around the country.
www.bisharat.net/Documents 10/02/2017 Basic documents on language policy in Africa
/ Documents de base sur la politique linguistique en Afrique.
www.bisharat.net/Documents/Niamey78annex.htm 08/04/2017 Presentation of the "African Reference
Alphabet" (in 4 images) from the Niamey 1978 meeting for readers of the
Bisharat! web site.
www.bisharat.net/introen.htm 13/11/2019 Bisharat* is an evolving idea based on the
importance of maternal languages in sustainable development and the enormous
potential of new information and communication technologies (ICTs) to benefit
efforts in the area of language and development.
www.bisharat.net/introfr.htm 19/09/2016 Bisharat* est une idée en évolution qui est
basée sur l'importance des langues maternelles dans le développement durable et
l'énorme potentiel des nouvelles technologies de l'information et de la communication
(TIC) pour bénéficier les efforts dans le domaine de langues et développement.
www.bisharat.net/introha.htm 22/05/2017 Barka da isowa a cikin yanar na'ura mai
k'wak'walwa. Bisharat! Tsira aiki bisa halsunan mama-Hazak'ar kimiya-Kyautata
halin rayuwa. Bisharat* hazak'a ce mai tasowa wadda ta danganci cin moriyar
mahimmancin halsunan mama ta hanyar hak'a: ci gaban al'umma mai d'orewa,
hanyoyin labarai da sadarwa na zamani.
www.bisharat.net/introhau.htm 22/05/2017 Barka da isowa a cikin yanar na'ura mai
ƙwaƙwalwa. Bisharat! Tsira aiki bisa halsunan mama-Hazaƙar kimiya-Kyautata
halin rayuwa. Bisharat* hazaƙa ce mai tasowa wadda ta danganci cin moriyar
mahimmancin halsunan mama ta hanyar haƙa: ci gaban al'umma mai ɗorewa, hanyoyin
labarai da sadarwa na zamani.
www.bisharat.net/intropt.htm 22/05/2017 Bem vindos à Página de Bisharat! Uma iniciativa
em línguas, tecnologia e desenvolvimento. Bisharat* é uma ideia em evolução,
baseada na importância de línguas maternas no desenvolvimento sustentável e no
enorme potencial das novas tecnologias de informação e comunicação (NTIC) para
beneficiar esforços nas áreas de línguas e desenvolvimento.
www.bisharat.net/Trans 23/10/2017 "MT" for Africa. Computer
translators & African languages. "TA" pour l'Afrique. Traduction
par ordinateur et les langues africaines.
www.bisharat.net/wikidoc/pmwiki.php 13/11/2019 This page is the entry point to the
PanAfrican Localisation (PAL) wiki, a resource site for localisers and
localisation in Africa. The wiki was a product of the PanAfrican Localisation
project, which was financed by IDRC (2005-08), administered by Kabissa, and
implemented by Bisharat. The ANLoc website went offline in late 2013.
www.bisharat.net/wikidoc/pmwiki.php/PanAfrLoc/ElugbesList 22/05/2017
www.bisharat.net/Zarma 23/10/2017 Zarma Dictionary. Dictionnaire Zarma.
Zarmaciine Kaamuusu. Developed by Peace Corps, Niger. Revised 2001 (editing
& WWW formatting for Bisharat! by DZO, 11/01 & 7/02). Ceci est un petit
dictionnaire multilingue du Zarma (Djerma) développé et modifié au cours de
quelques années par des formateurs de langue, des volontaires, et des membres du
staff du Corps de la Paix au Niger.
www.blackrefer.com 10/02/2017
www.blackrefer.com/women.html 10/02/2017
www.bmvg.de/de/themen/dossiers/engagement-in-afrika 17/09/2017
www.bonobo.org 10/04/2018
www.booksforafrica.org/index.html 23/10/2017
www.bu.edu/africa 01/07/2019
African Studies Center. Boston University. The ASC is federally funded
under Title VI as a National Resource Center to promote language and area
studies in Africa. The ASC is currently the only Title VI center at BU and one
of only two Title VI Africa centers in New England.
www.bu.edu/africa/outreach 17/09/2016
www.bu.edu/africa/publications 17/09/2016
www.bu.edu/africa/publications/ijahs 01/07/2019
The International Journal of African Historical Studies (IJAHS) is
devoted to the study of the African past. Norman Bennett was the founder and
guiding force behind the journal’s growth from its first incarnation at Boston
University as African Historical Studies in 1968.
www.budget.gouv.ga 08/09/2020
www.budgetoffice.gov.ng 08/09/2020
www.budongo.org 28/04/2020
Budongo Conservation Field Station, BCFS. The BCFS was founded by
Professor Vernon Reynolds in 1990. At that time it was called the Budongo
Forest Project. Prof. Reynolds had first studied chimpanzees in the Budongo
Forest in 1962 and written a book about the forest and its chimpanzees
(Reynolds 1965).
www.cafeduburundi.com 20/02/2018 InterCafé Burundi is the coffee
interprofessional association of Burundi. It is an association of all coffee
stakeholders that operate in Burundi. These are: coffee producers, wet and dry
millers, roasters and exporters. InterCafé is responsible for extension
services, promotion, branding and marketing of Burundi coffee.
www.camerakids.photos 23/08/2019
Through the Eyes of Children is a nonprofit organization that teaches
photography to vulnerable children and helps them to share their perspective
within their communities and across the globe. Photography is taught in
workshops designed to expand the children’s vision and knowledge of photography
and art.
www.casafrica.es 27/07/2018
www.casafrica.es/africa_vive_2014.jsp 02/02/2016 La actividad de Casa África forma parte de
la acción exterior del Estado como herramienta de diplomacia pública y
www.casas.co.za 22/05/2017
18/09/2017 The Central Bank of
The Gambia (CBG) was established in 1971 when it took over the assets of the
then Gambia Currency Board which was formed on 01 October 1964. In 2005, the
Central Bank law was reviewed to make it conform to current best practice in
mordern centrl banking law.
02/03/2020 Cape Business News.
www.ciel-dafrique.com 02/02/2018
www.cieldafrique.info 02/02/2018
www.cnscmali.org 23/03/2020
www.coloredgirls.com 10/02/2017
www.congo-apes.org 20/04/2020 Goualougo Triangle Ape Project. The
Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park was founded in 1993 as part of an initiative to
maintain the pristine forests of the Ndoki region.
www.congo-apes.org/jeremie-capon-memorial-page 10/08/2017 Jeremie Capon Memorial Page. An Inspiring
Friend to Great Apes: Jeremie Capon, Creator of the GTAP Facebook Cause. It is
with deep sadness that we bid farewell to our friend Jeremie Capon. His
contributions to the Goualougo Triangle Ape Project have been tremendous and
inspiring. Jeremie showed us how passion for a cause can inspire others to action.
www.conservationafrica.net 11/04/2016
www.conservatoire-arts-mali.org 23/03/2020
www.correios.co.mz 05/01/2021 Correios de Moçambique, E. P.,é uma empresa
pública, dotada de personalidade jurídica e com autonomia administrativa,
financeira e patrimonial, exercendo a sua actividade na subordinaçao do
Ministério dos Transportes e Comunicaçoes.
www.cote-d-ivoire.net 15/10/2019
www.courantsdefemmes.org 18/08/2019
www.creemali.ml 23/03/2020
www.crmvet.org 16/03/2019 This website is created
by Veterans of the Southern Freedom Movement (1951-1968). It is where we tell
it like it was, the way we lived it, the way we saw it, the way we still see
www.csae.ox.ac.uk 19/09/2016
The Centre for the Study of African Economies (CSAE) is an economic
research centre within the Department of Economics at Oxford University. CSAE
carries out economic research with a particular focus on Africa. Its aim is to
improve economic and social conditions in the poorest societies.
www.csag.uct.ac.za 20/02/2018 CSAG is one of the leading climate research
groups in Africa. We are uniquely
positioned to target critical knowledge needs and contribute to a broad
spectrum of climate change activities. CSAG focuses on the generation of
robust, relevant, regional climate change information while advancing our
understanding of the dynamics and processes that drive the coupled climate
www.csmonitor.com/World/Africa 19/09/2016
www.csp-mali.org 23/03/2020
www.culturafricana.com/web 19/09/2016
www.cyndislist.com/africa 19/09/2016
www.danagluckstein.com 27/07/2018
www.debatunisie.com 24/03/2019
www.dehavilland.co.za 29/04/2020 The de Havilland Aircraft Association of
South Africa, a non-profit volunteer organisation based in Johannesburg, is
dedicated to all de Havilland aircraft that have seen service in South Africa
and carried South African registrations, both Civil and Military.
www.democracy-africa.org 19/09/2016
www.derechos.net/links/geo/africa/uganda.html 19/09/2016
www.derechos.org/human-rights/afr 19/09/2016
www.digitalcongo.net 08/09/2018
www.districtsix.co.za 13/02/2020
www.dobiza.com 18/08/2019
www.dogon-lobi.ch 31/01/2020 Dogon. Images & Traditions.
www.douglasdc3.com/safrica/safrica.htm 19/09/2016
www.dpe.gov.za/Pages/Home.aspx 14/06/2018 The aim of the Department of Public Enterprises
(DPE) is to drive investment, productivity and transformation in the
department’s portfolio of State Owned Companies (SOCs), their customers and
suppliers so as to unlock growth, drive industrialisation, create jobs and
develop skills.
www.drhawass.com/wp 25/05/2018 World-renowned archaeologist Zahi Hawass is
the former Egyptian Minister of Antiquities and Director of Excavations at
Giza, Saqqara, Bahariya Oasis, and the Valley of the Kings. Dr Hawass received
his PhD in 1987 from the University of Pennsylvania, where he studied as a
Fulbright Fellow.