www.e _ www.i - (90 links).

www.eac.int   22/05/2017

www.ecowas.int   22/05/2017

www.egipto.com   19/10/2016   Egipto.com guía completa de egipto y el museo egipcio en El Cairo.

www.egypt.com/en   04/10/2016

www.egyptair.com/en/Pages/default.aspx   04/10/2016

www.egyptiancastle.com/main/main01.htm   04/10/2016

www.egyptian-museum-berlin.com   29/04/2020   The Egyptian Museum and Papyrus collection of Berlin worldwide renown not only for the bust of Nefertiti, the portrait of Tiy and the 'Berlin Green Head' presents art and papyri from over 5000 years discovered in Egypt and the Sudan. The paintings and reliefs, especially of the three unique offering chambers, convey an impression of the ancient environment and daily life.

www.egyptianmyths.net   06/06/2020   Ancient Egypt: the Mythology is dedicated to providing the most detailed and accurate information about the gods, goddesses and religious beliefs of the ancient Egyptian people.

www.egyptiantalks.org/invb   04/10/2016

www.egyptologie.nl   21/11/2019   Egyptologie. Kennis over het Oude Egypte.

www.eisa.org.za   25/10/2019

www.elpisafrica.org   19/09/2016

www.embassyofnamibia.fr   11/10/2020

www.enabel.be   29/02/2020   Enabel is the Belgian development agency. Our mission is to implement and coordinate the Belgian international development policy.

www.enca.com   29/02/2020   Enews Channel Africa: South Africa's Most Watched Tv News Channel. It launched on June 1st, 2008 to become the country’s first 24-hour television news service. Since then, the channel’s signature live reports, breaking news, sport, weather, entertainment and business updates have become an indispensable source of local and international news for millions of South Africans.

www.endarkenment.com/eap   05/06/2018

www.equaflight.com   06/04/2018

www.equalitynow.org   04/09/2018   Since 1992, our international network of lawyers, activists and supporters have held governments responsible for ending legal inequality, sex trafficking, sexual violence & harmful practices, such as female genital mutilation (FGM) & "child marriage". Every day, women and girls around the world face violence and discrimination.

www.eskimo.com/~triesch/africa   29/05/2018

www.ethiopiaeritrearpcvs.org/index.html   23/10/2017

www.ethiopiareads.org   11/07/2016   Ethiopia Reads collaborates with communities to build schools, plant libraries, train educators, boost literacy, and provide youth and families with the tools to improve their lives. Ethiopia Reads is a tax-exempt 501(c)3 organization founded in 1998 with the goal of providing much needed books to the children of Ethiopia.

www.eurosur.org/ai/portada.htm   05/12/2016

www.eurosur.org/c1-afric.htm   05/12/2016

www.experienceeducate.org   11/07/2016   Educate! started in 2002 when our first founder, Eric Glustrom, an American high school student, visited a refugee camp in the poorest corner of western Uganda.

www.feguifut.org   09/09/2018

www.fitzpatrick.uct.ac.za   05/10/2017

www.focusintl.com/statr1a.htm   16/03/2019   AFRICA. WIDNET es una red virtual que se creó en 1996 por Focus International.

www.fportugalafrica.pt   05/01/2021   Fundação Portugal-África. Según sus Estatutos, la Fundación tiene como objetivo contribuir a la realización e incremento de las acciones culturales y educativas que se desarrollarán en Portugal y en África, es decir, con los Países Africanos de Lengua Oficial Portuguesa, con el objetivo de fortalecer y mantener lazos.

www.fr.alakhbar.info   30/05/2018   L’Agence Indépendante d’Information Alakhbar a vu le jour en octobre 2003, suite à une initiative prise par un groupe de cadres mauritaniens, résidant en Mauritanie et à l’étranger, dans une perspective de briser le monopole médiatique vécu dans le pays à l’époque.

www.frelimo.org.mz/frelimo   05/01/2021   Frelimo. Unidos na luta contra a pobreza.

www.friendsofniger.org   26/01/2018   Friends of Niger is an affiliate group of the National Peace Corps Association (NPCA). Friends of Niger is a tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Your contributions to Friends of Niger are fully tax-deductible.

www.geographia.com/indx06.htm   14/03/2017

www.geographia.com/south-africa   23/02/2016   South Africa is located, as one might expect, on the southern tip of Africa. It is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean on the west, the Indian Ocean on the south and east. Along its northern border, from west to east, lie Namibia, Botswana, and Zimbabwe, and to the northeast are Mozambique and Swaziland.

www.geographia.com/south-africa/soaf02.htm   23/02/2016   Adventure Travel in South Africa.

www.geographia.com/tanzania   23/02/2016   Tanzania is bordered on the south by Mozambique, Malawi, and Zambia; on the west by Zaire, Burundi, and Rwanda; on the north by Uganda and Kenya; and on the east by the Indian Ocean. Tanzania is the largest of the East African nations, and it possesses a geography as mythic as it is spectacular.

www.geographia.com/zimbabwe   23/02/2016   Zimbabwe, like Botswana, is a landlocked country at the base of the African continent. Its neighbours are Mozambique (to the east), South Africa and Botswana (to the south and west), and Zambia (to the north). Zimbabwe lies on a high plateau, and its terrain consists primarily of grasslands bordered on the east by mountains.

www.ghanachildrensfund.com   11/07/2016   Ghana Children's Fund (GCF) is a tax exempt, non-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of orphans and needy children in Odupong-Ofaakor, Bentum, and other small villages in southwest Ghana. GCF was started by the Tuttle family of New Canaan, CT, USA, in 2010.

www.ghananewsagency.org   23/03/2020   The Ghana news Agency (GNA) was established on March 5, 1957, i.e. on the eve of Ghana's independence and charged with the "dissemination of truthful unbiased news". It was the first news agency to be established in Sub-Saharan Africa.

www.girlsgottarun.org   20/02/2018   Girls Gotta Run Foundation (GGRF) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that invests in girls who use running and education to empower themselves and their communities.

www.glcom.com/hassan/index.html   16/08/2019   Swahili Language and Culture.

www.globalgroovers.com   25/03/2016   Global Groove. Preserving grooves from around the globe.

www.goafricaonline.com   18/08/2019

www.gorilladoctors.org   10/08/2017   The Gorilla Doctors began as the realization of a dream of American gorilla researcher Dian Fossey. Fossey dedicated her life to studying and protecting mountain gorillas in Rwanda’s Volcanoes National Park. Our regional headquarters are located in Musanze, Rwanda, about a 30-minute drive from Volcanoes National Park.

www.gosaonline.co.za   26/11/2017

www.gov.sz   29/02/2020   The Government Of the Kingdom Of Eswatini.

www.gov.sz/index.php/important-documents   10/08/2019

www.gov.sz/index.php/parastatals   10/08/2019

www.gradesaver.com/author/chinua-achebe   29/12/2017

www.greatmali.net   23/03/2020

www.grida.no/publications/183   12/03/2018

www.grida.no/publications/185   12/03/2018

www.grioo.com   07/06/2018   Grioo est le site de référence consacrée la communauté noire francophone.

www.health.go.ug   25/10/2020

www.health.gov.za   25/10/2020

www.help-primates.org   09/12/2020   Help Congo. Sanctuaire de chimpanzés au Congo. Help Congo est une association congolaise qui agit pour la protection des chimpanzés braconnés au Congo. Accueil et Réintroduction sont les leitmotivs de cette association qui a réalisé une première mondiale en 1996 en réintroduisant le premier groupe de chimpanzé en milieu naturel.

www.hrw.org/africa   12/11/2019   Africa. Human Rights Watch.

www.iafric.net   09/04/2018

www.iafric.net/index.php/lohento   09/04/2018

www.iafric.net/index.php/tic-benin   09/04/2018

www.iafrica.com   09/04/2018

www.iaisiege.com   22/05/2017   

www.iama.aero/iama/fr/g_accueil/Accueil.html   23/03/2020

www.idsahel.com   23/03/2020

www.ikuska.com   06/06/2020   Africa: Paises, Mapas, Pueblos, Viajes, Etnología, Historia, Idiomas. Estas páginas quieren ser un lugar de encuentro para todos aquellos (as) interesados (as) en el continente africano y en sus gentes.

www.ikuska.com/Africa/Etnologia/Pueblos/Fulani   21/05/2016   El origen caucásico de los fulani se manifiesta en sus rasgos físicos: pelo liso, nariz recta y sus labios delgados, aunque cientos de años de mestizaje con pueblos bantus ha diluido en algunos lugares estos rasgos.

www.ikuska.com/Africa/Etnologia/Pueblos/Wolof   21/05/2016   Los antepasados Wolof emigraron en el siglo XI desde lo que era territorio del imperio de Ghana hacia Mali, para en siglos posteriores continuar desplazándose hasta la costa de la actual Senegal. Según las tradiciones orales, se puede rastrear su historia hasta los siglos 12 o 13, y nos señalan a los primeros colonos como de origen Fulbe.

www.ikuska.com/Africa/Gastronomia   12/05/2017   Africa. Recetas por Regiones. Se han elegido recetas cuyos ingredientes pueden encontrarse en los mercados o en tiendas especializadas en productos africanos.

www.independent.co.uk/news/world/africa   07/06/2018   Africa. News. The Independent.

www.indexkenya.org/index.html   09/04/2018

www.indiana.edu/~afrist/academics/languages.shtml   05/05/2018   The African Languages Program offers regularly scheduled courses in Akan/Twi, Bamana, Kiswahili, Wolof, Yoruba, and Zulu during the academic year. Kiswahili is also taught as an intensive course during the summer sessions. Other languages may be available. Arabic is taught through the Near Eastern Languages and Cultures Department.

www.indiana.edu/~afrist/home   05/05/2018   The African Studies Program has long been recognized as one of the leading centers for the interdisciplinary study of Africa. We are committed to being one of the nation's leading programs for the interdisciplinary study of Africa. Our diverse research, teaching, and outreach activities promote greater understanding and appreciation of the continent and its people.

www.indiana.edu/~origins   21/05/2016   Human Origins and Evolution in Africa. What do we know about human origins and evolution in Africa? Researchers have culled information from many different fields to address this question. This page was established by Professor Jeanne Sept to maintain links to this constantly growing scientific database, and teaching resources for her students.

www.ine.gov.mz   05/01/2021   O Instituto Nacional de Estatística, abreviadamente designado por INE, é uma pessoa colectiva de direito público, dotada de personalidade jurídica, autonomia técnica, administrativa e financeira.

www.institutfrancaismali.org   23/03/2020

www.intafrica.com   23/02/2016   SatCom Networks Africa Limited (SatCoNet), a licensed Public Data Communication Operator having its own hub in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, offers entire Information and Communication Technology (ICT) solutions to meet the demands of enterprises, government, and medium to small scale (SOHO) markets.

www.international.ucla.edu/africa   23/02/2016   A New Vision for African Studies in the 21st Century. Things are moving fast in Africa. After two centuries of colonial and post-colonial stagnation, this vast continent is now developing politically and economically at an unprecedented pace.

www.international.ucla.edu/africa/africanarts   23/02/2016   African Arts presents original research and critical discourse on traditional, contemporary, and popular African arts and expressive cultures.

www.international.ucla.edu/africa/mgpp   23/02/2016   The Marcus Garvey and Universal Negro Improvement Association Papers Project. A Research Project of the James S. Coleman African Studies Center. Marcus Garvey and the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA) form a critical link in black America's centuries-long struggle for freedom, justice, and equality.

www.international.ucla.edu/africa/news   23/02/2016   News.

www.internationalafricaninstitute.org   23/02/2016   The International African Institute (IAI) aims to promote the scholarly study of Africa, its history, societies, cultures, and political systems. The institute realizes its aims primarily by means of scholarly publishing. The institute is a registered charity and a company limited by guarantee, managed by a group of trustees.

www.iol.co.za   23/02/2016

www.iol.co.za/news   23/02/2016

www.iol.co.za/the-star   23/02/2016

www.ipeacei.org   11/07/2016   International Peace Initiatives (IPI) is a Kenya and U.S. based organization that is dedicated to supporting and funding initiatives that mitigate the effects of poverty, disease, discrimination and violence.

www.isri.ac.mz   05/01/2021   Instituto Superior de Relações Internacionais. Em 1991, o ISRI materializou um dos seus objectivos principais ao criar o Centro de Estudos Estratégicos Internacionais (CEEI), cuja atribuição principal consiste em desempenhar funções de pesquisa científica, académica e aplicada.

www.issafrica.org   23/02/2016

www.issafrica.org/media-room/fact-sheets   23/02/2016

www.issafrica.org/media-room/videos-and-infographics   23/02/2016

www.issafrica.org/publications   23/02/2016

www.ivu.org/recipes/african/algerian-j.html   23/02/2016

www.ivu.org/recipes/african/moroccan-stew2.html   23/02/2016

www.iwayafrica.com   13/03/2017   iWayAfrica is a leading African ISP, offering solutions over satellite, fibre optic and wireless networks. iWayAfrica’s expertise lies in designing, installing and operating networks to suit customers’ requirements. The Group currently services over 67,000 corporate subscribers and over 20,000 consumer subscribers across Sub-Saharan Africa.