www.j _ www.n - (70 links).

www.jamana.org   23/03/2020

www.jbdunne.co.za   16/03/2017

www.jendajournal.com   28/11/2020   Jenda: Journal of Culture and African Women Studies.

www.jornalnoticias.co.mz   06/01/2021   O Noticias foi fundado em 15 de Abril de 1926, pelo Capitão Manuel Simões Vaz. O Jornal era propriedade de uma empresa cujos principais acionistas eram o advogado Eduardo Saldanha, o industrial Paulino Santos Gil e o comandante José Joaquim de Morais.

www.journals.cup.org/action/displayJournal?jid=AFH   15/02/2016   The Journal of African History (JAH) publishes articles and book reviews ranging widely over the African past, from ancient times to the present. Historical approaches to all time periods are welcome. The thematic range is equally broad, covering social, economic, political, cultural, and intellectual history.

www.kalahariimages.com   31/07/2019   Kalahari Images. Film and Photography from Botswana by Kalahari Stuart.

www.karenblixen.com   29/04/2020   Comprehensive guide to Karen Blixen. Isak Dinesen online with recent events and links to important sites. Karen Blixen (1885-1962), also known by her pseudonym, Isak Dinesen, is famous for her memoir, Out of Africa, and for several works of fiction, including Seven Gothic Tales (1934) and Winter's Tales (1942).

www.karlammann.com   23/12/2019   Karl Ammann, Wildlife Photographer, Bushmeat Activist and Author.

www.karlammann.com/about-site.php   10/12/2016

www.kbears.com/comoros/anthemtext.html   16/04/2016

www.kbears.com/madagascar/anthem.html   16/04/2016

www.kentanzavinyl.com/Kentanzavinyl/HOME_PAGE.html   14/10/2016

www.lac.org.na   01/04/2020   The Legal Assistance Centre main objective is to protect the human rights of all Namibians. It is the only organisation of its kind in Namibia. It has an office in Windhoek, Namibia's capital. Its work is supervised by the Legal Assistance Trust, whose trustees include legal practitioners, other professionals and community leaders.

www.laga-enforcement.org/en   10/10/2019   LAGA is the first Wildlife Law Enforcement NGO in Africa and unique in the world in its approach and activities, working in close collaboration with Governments. LAGA started with a baseline of Zero prosecutions under the wildlife law in almost all the countries of West and Central Africa.

www.lalmba.org   11/07/2016   Lalmba is a non-profit, tax deductible, humanitarian organization recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3). We are incorporated in the state of Missouri, and registered and headquartered in the state of Colorado. Lalmba Association was started by “mom and pop” Hugh and Marty Downey from Kansas City, Missouri.

www.lambiek.net/artists/h/hatem.htm   17/04/2016

www.lambiek.net/artists/s/sonon_h.htm   18/05/2018   Hector Sonon (b. 23 October 1969, Benin). Damien Hector Sonon, born in Cotonou in the West African country of Benin, is a passionate designer, photographer and cartoonist. Since 1988, he has drawn caricatures for the free press of Benin. He works in several comic studios, and created the story of 'Adéfèmi', written by Florent Couao-Zotti, for the magazine Inter Faces.

www.lambiek.net/artists/s/stano.htm   11/09/2018

www.lambiek.net/artists/t/taeb_abdel_aziz.htm   23/02/2016

www.leakey.com   16/06/2018   The notion of an African genesis for humankind is widely accepted today, but it was not always so. When Louis Leakey began to search for human fossils in East Africa in the early 1930s he was met with skepticism from his colleagues.

www.leconomiste.com   25/11/2020   L'Economiste. Le premier quotidien économique du Maroc. Toute l'actualité en continu : Economie, Finances, Bourse, Enquête, Société, International, Archives.

www.leconomistemaghrebin.com   25/11/2020   Actualité économique Tunisie. L'Economiste Maghrebin vous présente toutes les actualités et news économiques, politiques, financières et sociales en Tunisie et dans le monde.

www.lemaghrebdz.com   19/07/2018

www.lematindz.net   06/06/2020   Bienvenue dans Le Matin d’Algérie, le site de l’information indépendante et du débat constructif et libre. Le Matin d’Algérie ambitionne de poursuivre la voie tracée par le quotidien algérien Le Matin, arbitrairement suspendu par les autorités algériennes depuis juillet 2004.

www.lemauricien.com   06/06/2020   Site Indépendant d’information et d’opinion. Le Mauricien.

www.liasa.org.za/default.aspx   04/11/2019

www.libertebko.org   23/03/2020

www.libyanconstitutionalunion.net   14/11/2020

www.libyanet.com   14/11/2020

www.libyanet.com/jlsm0001.htm   14/11/2020

www.lluisllach.cat   26/10/2016   La Fundació Lluís Llach té com a finalitat el desenvolupament social, econòmic, cultural i educatiu d’aquelles societats que per la seva llengua, cultura i situació social poden esser qualificades de minoritàries i/o mereixedores d’una especial protecció.

www.lninternational.org   26/10/2016   LifeNet is proud to be a member of the Primary Care Learning Collaborative, coordinated by the Results for Development Institute (R4D) through the Center for Health Market Innovations (CHMI); an inductee into the International Partnership for Innovative Healthcare Delivery (IPIHD) Network; and to have been featured in 2012 and 2013 in the Global Health Group’s “Clinical Social Franchising Compendium.”

www.loc.gov/exhibits/african   23/03/2020   This exhibit marks the publication of The African-American Mosaic: A Library of Congress Resource Guide for the Study of Black History and Culture. A noteworthy and singular publication, the Mosaic is the first Library-wide resource guide to the institution's African-American collections.

www.loc.gov/exhibits/african-american-odyssey   23/03/2020   The exhibition The African American Odyssey: A Quest for Full Citizenship, showcases the incomparable African American collections of the Library of Congress.

www.lonelyplanet.com/eritrea   23/10/2017

www.lundy-africa.org   11/07/2016   The Lundy Foundation, a virtual operating foundation, has been turning lives around with small acts of caring since 1991. From the beginning, we have worked with communities across the globe to provide support, advice and skill building as community members themselves have tackled critical social issues.

www.lwiroprimates.org   10/05/2020   Centre de Rehabilitation des Primates de Lwiro. Republic Democratic of Congo. The CRPL is situated only four kilometres from the Kahuzi-Biega National Park (KBNP). The area is inscribed as a World Heritage Site in Danger since 1997 and it is listed at the 3rd most important site world- wide for conservation of the Eastern Chimpanzee by the IUCN.

www.maliapd.org   23/03/2020

www.mali-music.com   14/02/2018

www.mali-music.com/Cat/MK7/Catalogue.htm   14/02/2018

www.mali-music.com/index_En.html   14/02/2018

www.maliweb.net   15/02/2018

www.mambila.info   13/11/2019   The Virtual Institute of Mambila Studies seeks to collate and connect the different research and researchers with an interest in the Mambila people of the Nigeria - Cameroon borderland and their neighbours; their languages and the area in which they live.

www.markspark.com/africa99   02/01/2018

www.masalafilmworks.com   25/03/2017

www.mbokamosika.com   13/01/2016

www.mctes.gov.mz   05/01/2021   Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior. O Ministério da Ciência e Tecnologia, Ensino Superior e Técnico-Profissional (MCTESTP) é o órgão central do Aparelho do Estado que, de acordo com os princípios, objectivos, políticas e planos definidos pelo governo, dirige, planifica e coordena as actividades no âmbito da Ciência e Tecnologia, Ensino Superior e Técnico-Profissional.

www.metmuseum.org/about-the-met/curatorial-departments/egyptian-art   01/03/2020   The Met collection of ancient Egyptian art consists of approximately 26,000 objects of artistic, historical, and cultural importance, dating from the Paleolithic to the Roman period (ca. 300,000 B.C.–A.D. 4th century).

www.missouribotanicalgarden.org/plant-science/plant-science/africa.aspx   23/03/2020   Missouri Botanical Garden (MBG) in Africa. The Garden's Africa and Madagascar Program is headed by Dr. Porter P. Lowry II from his base in Paris. The Garden's collections from continental Africa are the largest in North America and now number almost 650,000, with more than 15,000 new specimens being accessioned each year.

www.monkeyland.co.za   15/03/2020   Monkeyland Primate Sanctuary, Plettenberg Bay, South Africa. Monkeyland is the worlds first free roaming multi-specie primate sanctuary. Eco-tourism child friendly activity, educating visitors on wildlife conservation.

www.mozambiquehistory.net   28/11/2020

www.murulle.org   11/07/2016   The Murulle Foundation. We are a 501(c)3 organization with a mission to build an enduring coexistence of people and threatened ecosystems in sub-Saharan Africa. We foster participatory grassroots projects based on human and organizational development and scientific research to promote social, economic, and environmental well-being.

www.museumphotography.com   31/05/2017   The Egyptian Theben Desert Portfolio. Photography By Yarko Kobylecky.

www.museums.or.ke   08/06/2018   National Museums of Kenya (NMK) is a state corporation established by an Act of Parliament, the Museums and Heritage Act 2006. NMK is a multi-disciplinary institution whose role is to collect, preserve, study, document and present Kenya’s past and present cultural and natural heritage.

www.mustardseedproject.org   11/04/2020   The Mustard Seed Project is a 501(c) 3 not for profit corporation which was established in 1993 to Provide "Acts of Mercy and Acts of Mission in East and Central Africa."

www.mwambao.com   16/08/2019   Swahili Coast. Mwambao Wa Pwani.

www.myuganda.co.ug   17/02/2018

www.nacionmulticultural.unam.mx/afroamerica   04/12/2019   Afroamérica. La tercera raíz. El tráfico esclavista, que duró casi cuatro siglos, originó el desarraigo de millones de africanos quienes fueron deshumanizados y convertidos en “mercancía”.

www.nairaland.com   28/03/2019

www.nairobibusinessmonthly.com   28/03/2019

www.national.archives.gov.za   09/04/2018

www.national.archives.gov.za/aboutnasa_content.html   09/04/2018

www.natureswonderlandsafaris.com   08/04/2020   Nature’s Wonderland Safaris Ltd is a Kenyan owned private company, founded in 2003 and has its head office in Central Business District, Nairobi Kenya. Ranked among the best Travel Management Companies in Kenya, we are a fully-fledged approved Travel Agency, a member of Kenya Association of Tour Operators (KATO).

www.nazret.com   13/11/2019   Nazret is one of the oldest and most popular Ethiopian news sites. Nazret is arguably the most trusted name in Ethiopian news. Since 1994, nazret has been serving the Ethiopian community with providing news and commentaries about Ethiopian current events, culture, sport and business news.

www.nepad.org   22/05/2017

www.neuberger.org/africanArt.php   04/05/2018

www.newzimbabwe.com   12/11/2019

www.nisc.co.za   06/06/2020   NISC (Pty) Ltd is a publisher of premier African scholarly research products that promote African scholarship to a global academic audience through print and digital publication, and dissemination using recognised international best practices. NISC (Pty) Ltd is an information supply enterprise that launched in 1995.

www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/literature/laureates/1986   18/12/2015

www.nomadsfestival.org   25/01/2020   Site Officiel du Festival International des Nomades. L'Association "Nomades du Monde" présentera la 17ème édition du Festival des Nomades les 19, 20 et 21 Mars 2020 à M’hamid El Ghizlane, Zagora, Maroc.