www.oceandocs.org/handle/1834/1337 16/03/2019 Africa. Publications in Marine Science in digital form, including preprints, published articles, technical reports, working papers and more. OceanDocs is supported by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC).
www.odhd-mali.org 23/03/2020
www.oneghanaonevoice.com 16/01/2020
www.opais.co.mz 06/01/2021 O País. No O Pais leia política, economia,
sociedade, internacional, desporto, cultura, opinião, entrevistas, dossier,
operação tronco, dividas ocultas, recapitalização moza banco, especial, moztech
2017, stv 15 anos. Veja fotografias e vídeos.
www.opendemocracy.net/en/tagged/africa 12/11/2019 Latest in Africa. Open Democracy is an
independent global media platform covering world affairs, ideas and culture
which seeks to challenge power and encourage democratic debate across the
www.ordeng.org.mz 10/01/2016
www.otm.org.mz/index.php/pt 10/01/2016
www.otobong-nkanga.com 12/11/2020
Otobong Nkanga. Visual Artist.
www.oxfam.org/en 15/03/2020 Oxfam International. Oxfam is an
international confederation of 20 NGOs working with partners in over 90
countries to end the injustices that cause poverty.
www.paginasamarelas.co.mz 10/01/2016
www.parcs-madagascar.com 21/09/2018
www.passip.org 23/03/2020
www.pep-net.org 18/08/2019
www.podomatic.com/podcasts/trincheirafirme 07/06/2018 RÁDIO TRINCHEIRA FIRME, para recordar um dos
momentos mais conturbados da história de Angola (25 de Abril de 1974 - 11 de
Novembro de 1975), quando os ânimos ideológicos e demagógicos estiveram
perigosamente inflamados.
www.poptel.org.uk/mozambique-news 10/01/2016
www.portaldogoverno.gov.mz 10/01/2016
www.postcolonialweb.org/misc/africov.html 12/11/2019 Postcolonial Literature in Africa: An
23/03/2020 Official Website of
the Presidency of the Republic of Cameroon.
www.presidencia.gov.mz 07/06/2018 Portal da Presidência da República de
www.radio-kankan.com 01/02/2020 Radio Kankan la première radio internet de
Guinée qui donne les informations les plus claires possible sans parti prise.
www.rdpcpdm.cm 01/03/2020 Site Web Officiel du RDPC. Rassemblement
Démocratique du Peuple Camerounais (Cameroon People's Democratic Movement).
www.realites.com.tn 23/08/2019
L’hebdomadaire «Réalités”, fleuron du groupe Maghreb Media, a été fondé
en janvier 1979. Très vite il s’affirma comme un journal engagé en faveur des
www.rentreelitterairedumali.org 23/03/2020
www.retro.co.za 26/11/2017
www.reuters.com/places/libya 18/10/2016
www.saharalibre.es 10/01/2016
www.saiia.org.za 06/07/2018
www.salanguages.com 27/11/2017
www.salanguages.com/isixhosa/xhowrd.htm 27/11/2017
www.san.org.za 21/04/2020
www.sanbi.ac.za 21/04/2020
South African National Bioinformatics Institute, SANBI was founded in
1996 by Winston Hide, a South African computational biologist who returned from
the USA. The Institute has been developed within the University of the Western
Cape faculty of Natural Sciences. It is legally part of the UWC.
www.sanparks.org 06/06/2020 South African National Parks. SANParks.
Experience the beauty and diversity of South African National Parks, Travel and
explore South Africa! Nature Conservation, Accommodation, Activities,
www.saveagorilla.org 11/07/2016 The Mountain Gorilla Conservation Fund
(MGCF) is dedicated to the conservation and protection of the critically
endangered Mountain Gorillas in Africa, their habitat, and working with the
people around the National Parks. We have been doing this ever since Dian
Fossey asked for help back in 1983.
www.savenubia.org 31/01/2020 Save Nubia Project: Preserving Historical
Sites in Sudan. The mission of the Save Nubia Project (SNP) is to help raise
national and international awareness about the pending flooding of the central
areas of the ancient Kushite and Nubian civilizations in the Sudan.
www.sa-venues.com 16/08/2019 To call South Africa 'beautiful' comes only
close to describing the unequalled diversity enfolded in its vastness. From the
sandswept, icy waters of the Cape West Coast to the sunbaked savannah of the
Limpopo there are terrains too numerous to absorb in one visit - South Africa
is the smörgåsbord of the African continent.
www.sa-venues.com/language-zulu.htm 16/08/2019 IsiZulu, more commonly shorted to Zulu, is
one of the 11 official languages of this country. 10 million people speak the
language and most of them live in South Africa. Zulu is the home language of
about 22.7% of South Africans; while as many as half of the local population
understands it.
www.seticesarl.com 23/03/2020
www.slateafrique.com 07/06/2018 Slate Afrique est un magazine d'information
au quotidien, d'analyses, de regards sur l'actu des pays africains et sur les
diasporas dans les domaines politiques, economiques, technologiques et
www.smithsonianeducation.org/migrations/beads/essay2.html 21/08/2014
www.smithsonianeducation.org/migrations/beads/essay3.html 21/08/2014
www.smithsonianeducation.org/migrations/beads/essay4.html 21/08/2014
www.spsrasd.info 10/01/2016
www.standardbank.co.za 27/05/2018 Standard Bank Group is the largest African
banking group by assets, with a market cap of approximately R317 billion (USD28
billion), offering a range of banking and related financial services across
sub-Saharan Africa.
www.state.gov/j/drl/rls/hrrpt/2000/nea/825.htm 10/01/2016
www.state.gov/j/drl/rls/hrrpt/2001/af/8374.htm 01/03/2016
www.statsbots.org.bw 10/02/2017
www.stewdiaw.com/african_apparel.html 10/02/2017
www.stop.co.mz 10/01/2016
www.sudonline.sn 18/08/2019
27/11/2020 Die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) is die tuiste van 'n akademiese
gemeenskap van bykans 29.000 studente (insluitend 4.000 internasionale studente
van meer as 100 lande) asook ongeveer 3.000 permanente personeellede
(insluitend 1.000 akademiese personeel) op vyf verskillende kampusse.
www.sun.ac.za/afrikaans/Pages/default.aspx 24/05/2020