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panafrican.eva.mpg.de   9/24/2024   The Pan African Programme (PanAf) ‘The Cultured Chimpanzee’ aims to overcome some of these limitations by studying a large number of populations with a cross-sectional sampling approach.

quod.lib.umich.edu/g/gefame   9/26/2024   GEFAME is an online journal that promotes scholarly communication in the fields of African Studies. Although GEFAME is no longer actively publishing, the journal archive will continue to be made freely available to the world.

riftvalley.net   9/26/2024   Rift Valley Institute (RVI). The aim of the Institute is to advance useful knowledge of the region and its diverse communities, bringing a better understanding of local realities to bear on social and political action.

royalafricansociety.org   9/26/2024   The Royal African Society is a membership organisation that provides opportunities for people to connect, celebrate and engage critically with a wide range of topics and ideas about Africa today.

rwanda.wcs.org/Wildlife/Eastern-Chimpanzee.aspx   9/24/2024   Wildlife Conservation Society. Eastern chimpanzees, an endangered species, are found in Nyungwe National Park, Cyamudongo Forest and Gishwati Forest Reserve in Rwanda, the latter two areas being small, isolated forest fragments.

savannachimp.blogspot.com   9/24/2024   Fongoli Savanna Chimpanzee Project. Research on West African chimpanzees living in a savanna mosaic at Fongoli, Senegal since 2001, with a focus on the behavioral ecology of apes in a semi-arid environment.

senamirmir.org/sm/#/home   9/26/2024   Senamirmir.

seneweb.com   9/26/2024   Seneweb. Actualités au Sénégal : toute l'actualité sénégalaise et Africaine en continu.

site.mzumbe.ac.tz   9/26/2024   Mzumbe University. Chuo Kikuu Mzumbe.

sosprimates.org   9/26/2024   SOS Primates est composé d’une équipe multidisciplinaire de personnes impliquées qui travaillent dans le monde de la primatologie, du bien-être animal et de la conservation de la biodiversité.

sourcebooks.fordham.edu/africa/africasbook.asp   9/26/2024   Internet African History Sourcebook.