www.t _ www.z - (52 links).

www.tacugama.com   10/10/2019   Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary. Chimpanzees are born into family groups that can range significantly in size from around 15 to over 100 members. As the chimps at Tacugama are not related to each other we have to take time to allow new arrivals to form bonds and become a member of one of our existing groups. Generally the younger the chimp, the easier it is to integrate.

www.tandfonline.com/loi/yjaf20   10/07/2016   Journal of African Diaspora Archaeology and Heritage provides a focal point for peer-reviewed publications in interdisciplinary studies in archaeology, history, material culture, and heritage dynamics concerning African descendant populations and cultures across the globe.

www.tdm.mz   10/01/2016

www.teledata.mz   10/01/2016

www.thesafaricompany.co.za/distinctive_africa.htm   19/09/2016

www.tradepage.co.za   27/05/2017

www.transafrikacultural.org   11/07/2016   Transafrika Cultural Institutes, is working towards setting up a functioning cultural center here in Denver, Colorado, which will serve as a source of information exchange between Africa and the United States of America.

www.turismomocambique.co.mz   10/01/2016

www.turkanabasin.org   10/10/2019   Turkana Basin Institute.

www.tvcabo.mz/residencial   10/01/2016

www.ubos.org   13/11/2019   UBOS is the principal data collecting, processing, analysing and disseminating agency responsible for coordinating and supervising the National Statistical System.

www.ucd.ac.ma   05/03/2018

www.ucm.ac.mz   10/01/2016

www.uem.mz   05/01/2021   Universidade Eduardo Mondlane. A Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (UEM), como instituição pluridisciplinar de formação de profissionais de nível superior, de pesquisa, de extensão e de domínio e cultivo do saber humano, tem a honra de se apresentar a toda a Comunidade Universitária, aos seus parceiros nacionais e estrangeiros e a toda a sociedade em geral.

www.uhambousa.org   11/07/2016   The Uhambo Foundation of South Africa was founded in 2010 as the non-profit partner of the internationally acclaimed and award-winning social enterprise, Shonaquip.

www.umass.edu/aae   10/02/2017

www.umdraiga.com   06/06/2020   Um Draiga Amigos del Pueblo Saharaui en Aragón, Manifiesta el apoyo a la Independencia de la República Árabe Saharaui Democrática y reconoce al Frente Polisario como único interlocutor legítimo del Pueblo Saharaui.

www.undp.org/content/undp/en/home   22/08/2019

www.uneca.org   22/05/2017

www.unicef.org.mz   10/01/2016

www.unisa.ac.za/sites/corporate/default   06/06/2020   Unisa is the largest open distance learning institution in Africa and the longest standing dedicated distance education university in the world. We enrol nearly one-third of all South African students.

www.usaid.gov/mozambique   10/01/2016

www.versal.net/VicenteMendez   27/07/2018

www.virtual-egyptian-museum.org/Collection/FullVisit/Collection.FullVisit-FR.html   01/03/2020   Virtual Egyptian Museum. The Full Collection.

www.washingtonpost.com/world/africa   05/11/2017

www.watson.org/~leigh/egypt.html   27/05/2017

www.westafricanplants.senckenberg.de/root   19/01/2016

www.westafricareview.com   19/01/2016

www.wfp.org/countries/mozambique   10/01/2016

www.wildlifeprotectionsolutions.org   11/07/2016   Wildlife Protection Solutions consists of a team of technology experts seeking to enhance conservation best practices through the practical application of new software, hardware and field methods. WPS has established research camps in a number of international locations.

www.wits.ac.za   20/03/2017

www.wits.ac.za/law   20/03/2017

www.wits.ac.za/library   20/03/2017

www.wlsa.org.mz   06/01/2021   A WLSA (Women and Law in Southern Africa Research and Education Trust) é uma organização não governamental regional (ONG), que faz pesquisa sobre a situação dos direitos das mulheres, em sete países da África Austral: Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Moçambique, Swazilândia, Zâmbia e Zimbabwe.

www.wobebli.net   01/02/2020   Wobébli est consacré à la culture de l'ethnie africaine Wé (Côte d'ivoire, Abidjan, Libéria). Les Wés sont réputés pour leurs masques africains et pour leurs traditions africaines.

www.worksandwords.com/ethtrav.htm   23/10/2017

www.worldbank.org/afr/ik/french/frhome.htm   22/08/2016

www.worldbank.org/afr/ik/swahili/default.htm   22/08/2016

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www.worldbank.org/en/country/senegal   20/03/2019

www.worldbank.org/en/region/afr   14/11/2019   The World Bank In Africa. Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa is projected to rise to a modest 2.6% in 2019 from 2.5% in 2018, which is 0.2 percentage points lower than the April forecast. Sub-Saharan Africa’s opportunities are vast, and its challenges persistent.

www.worldtravelguide.net/guides/africa/botswana   02/07/2017

www.worldtravelguide.net/guides/africa/burundi   02/07/2017

www.worldtravelguide.net/guides/africa/chad   02/07/2017

www.wrmea.org/north-africa/index.php   01/09/2019   North Africa. Washington Report on Middle East Affairs.

www.wwf.org.mz   10/01/2016

www.xeno-canto.org/collection/area/africa   06/06/2018   Xeno-canto. Compartiendo cantos de aves de todo el mundo. África: Detalles de la Colección.

www.yohaig.ng   12/03/2017

www.zambezia.co.mz   10/01/2016

www.zdnet.com/blog/african-enterprise   24/08/2017

www.zestforbirds.co.za   26/04/2020   Pelagic Trips, Bird Guiding and Bird Tours in Cape Town, South Africa. Zest for Birds.

www.zyama.com   01/02/2020   Welcome to the collection of African tribal art featuring over 1,200 artifacts from 100 ethnic groups. Items on display include wooden and bronze statues, masks, religious, ritual and domestic objects, furniture and weapons. Learn about art, culture and history of each ethnic group.